Дата на публикуване : 26.02.2014
Often in the production process with the increasing of the consumption of air, the compressor equipment can not deliver the required majority for pneumatic components 6 bar. In certain cases, this can cause problems when the actuators due to force or speed must work at higher pressure. Typical examples are momentum consumers as pneumatic cylinders mounted on shut-off valves, pneumatic (air) cannons and more if they required operation at 6 bar. In those cases where the consumer are not constant or with a low flow rate is appropriate to use the pneumatic booster or also known as booster pumps.
The pneumatic boosters can be used for boosting (rising) of the pressure in separate units from the whole pneumatic system in one factory. They are preferred for the low investment costs and low maintenance costs, compactness and easy service. The pneumatic boosters can generate pressures from 2 to 100 bars. The basic working principle is the areas difference of the actuating and boosting pistons. This area difference is indicated by the ratio which increases the input pressure 1: 2, 1:4, 1:50, etc..
One booster system contains several basic components: Pressure regulator or Air Preparation Unit, Pressure booster, Resiver, and safety valve. Indumatic Ltd. provides to the customers the whole solutions for pressure boosting in separate production units according to the operational elements consumption.